January 14, 2025

The Gentlemen S01 (2024) || TV Series

The Gentlemen || Trailer

Download The Gentlemen (2024)

The Gentlemen Season 1

Upon inheriting the family estate, aristocratic Eddie is surprised to find that it harbors a vast weed empire, with its owners firmly rooted and unwilling to vacate.

Episode 1: Refined Aggression

Upon the Duke of Halstead’s passing, his second son inherits not only the title, estate, and grounds, but also a multitude of complications and challenges.

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Episode 2: Tackle Tommy Woo Woo

The aristocrats and their gamekeeper embark on a hunt for an unconventional quarry. Susie seeks assistance to address the aftermath, and Halstead Manor receives an unexpected visit from a holy figure.

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Episode 3: Where’s My Weed At?

Jimmy becomes preoccupied while on duty. With supply chain challenges causing delivery delays, the Horniman brothers embark on a risky journey to appease an unsatisfied customer.

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Episode 4: An Unsympathetic Gentleman

Susie is eager to grow the business, but Eddie is adamant that it won’t happen on his estate. As a result, the Hornimans begin exploring alternative locations.

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Episode 5: I’ve Hundreds of Cousins

Distribution challenges in Europe and a theft on the farm create problems for Eddie and Susie. However, their fortunes change when they encounter a new acquaintance who offers assistance.

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Episode 6: All Eventualities

Eddie’s concerns about Susie intensify, yet she remains resolute about leaving the estate only after laundering £15 million of illicit funds.

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Episode 7: Not Without Danger

Driven by a thirst for revenge, Susie defies her father’s directives. Eddie extends a hand to assist her, though his loyalties become increasingly uncertain.

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Episode 8: The Gospel According to Bobby Glass

A familiar figure resurfaces with intentions of settling a score with Freddy. Meanwhile, Bobby opts for retirement and tasks Eddie and Susie with handling the necessary preparations.

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