February 12, 2025

Manhunt || Season 1 ~ Tv Series (Episode 7 Added)

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Following the first assassination of an American president, there’s a struggle to save and uphold the principles that were key to Lincoln’s plans for rebuilding.

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Episode 1: Pilot

Five days after the Civil War concludes, President Lincoln is assassinated. Edwin Stanton, his close advisor, ends up leading the response to the tragedy.

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Episode 2: Post-mortem

Without a president to guide the nation, Stanton deals with organizing the funeral, identifying suspects, and unraveling a wider conspiracy.

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Episode 3: Let The Sheep Flee

The search widens to Québec, targeting a cluster of Confederate spies and expatriates regrouping; meanwhile, John Wilkes Booth is clandestinely moved around in Maryland.

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Episode 4: The Secret Line

Stanton and Detective Baker delve into connections between Manhattan’s top Wall Street traders, the Confederacy, and Booth, unraveling a complex web of intrigue.

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Episode 5: A Man of Destiny

President Johnson disrupts Lincoln’s crucial plans, while Stanton’s health declines as he closes in on Booth.

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Episode 6: Useless

Stanton achieves a victory, but not in the manner he hoped. He prepares for the trial of the conspirators, which he must win to preserve Lincoln’s legacy.

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Episode 7: The Final Act

Stanton takes a bold step, organizing the trial of the century to pursue justice against all those accountable, despite the risks to his personal and professional reputation.

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