Castlevania Season 1
In the midst of the French Revolution, young vampire hunter prodigy Richter Belmont strives to safeguard his family’s heritage and thwart the ascent of a merciless, power-hungry vampire.
Episode 1: A Common Enemy in Evil
An assault on their encampment prompts vampire hunter Richter and the youthful mage Maria to solicit assistance from the Abbot of Machecoul, while unfamiliar arrivals deliver tidings from distant lands.
Episode 2: Horror Beyond Nightmares
With the impending peril of a Vampire Messiah, Tera’s history harbors ominous signs for what lies ahead. Annette, Edouard, Richter, and Maria set course for the château.
Episode 3: Freedom Was Sweeter
Reeling from a heartbreaking loss, Annette recounts her harrowing escape from enslavement and her odyssey from Saint-Domingue. Pandemonium breaks out during a public assembly.
Episode 4: Horrors Rising from the Earth
Olrox expresses concerns to Mizrak regarding the Abbot’s allegiances. Driven by a deep desire to aid a friend, Annette takes charge of a perilous undertaking, defying Richter’s objections.
Episode 5: The Natural Order
Drolta delivers a compelling proposal to Olrox, while Annette confronts a familiar adversary. Surprising revelations cast fresh illumination on the family histories of Maria and Richter.
Episode 6: Guilty Men to Be Judged
As Richter delves into the secrets of the Belmont heritage, Annette seeks the wisdom of her forebears. Meanwhile, Edouard makes an effort to connect with a fellow companion.
Episode 7: Blood Is the Only Way
Fueled by her triumphs, the Vampire Messiah emerges into the public eye. Richter showcases his newfound powers, and Olrox presents an unexpected proposition.
Episode 8: Devourer of Light
As the Abbot prepares for an unimaginable sacrifice and Erzsebet’s schemes are already underway, Richter and his comrades charge headlong into the impending battle.
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